Made for More

Made for More

April 23, 2024

I pray also that you will have greater understanding in your heart so you will know the hope to which he has called us and that you will know how rich and glorious are the blessings God has promised his holy people. Ephesians 1:18 NCV

Do you ever have that sense of restlessness that’s not about things or money or power? It’s not about stuff at all. It’s a sense of uneasiness, a kind of discomfort, a lack of peace. There’s a voice inside of you saying, “This can’t be it. I know there’s more.” This kind of restlessness is not inherently bad. God often works through that kind of uneasiness to move us toward new areas of growth, challenge, and progress. It can be disturbing and unsettling to feel a lack of clarity and the thought of “more.”

Vince Pitman founded Hope Church in Las Vegas in 2001 and saw God do amazing things there for about twenty years. Nothing was “wrong,” but he felt his heart shifting and sensed unease that God was wanting more. God spoke through his restlessness, calling him out of Hope Church to become president of the Seed Network, the church planting arm of the Southern Baptist Mission Board. That’s a very unusual move for a senior lead pastor in a megachurch. Pitman said that he and his wife took their restlessness to God and asked, “What have you made us for in this season of our lives?” Out of that prayer came clarity and purpose.

Pitman says, “A lack of clarity is always a call to deeper intimacy.” That’s what happened for him. Intimacy with God is what we all crave and is what takes away our restlessness, moving us further along in our lives. As we experience restlessness and its accompanying lack of clarity, we must take the opportunity to draw closer to God. Ask Him what your restlessness means and what is next. You WERE made for more, and God is calling you.

Josh Baldwin has written a song that is getting so much play because it strikes this chord in so many of us. We were made for more. That was Paul’s great desire for his Ephesian friends – that they would believe and discover the “more” that God has for them.

I know who I am 'cause I know who You are, the cross of salvation was only the start.

Now I am chosen, free and forgiven! I have a future and it's worth the living!

'Cause I wasn't made to be tending a grave – I was called by name

Born and raised back to life again! I was made for more!

So why would I make a bed in my shame when a fountain of grace is running my way?

I know I am Yours – and I was made for more!

  • Let your restlessness be a call to clarity that drives you more deeply to God. You were created for this!